NCC undertakes comprehensive ecological baseline surveys, that is, surveys that must be carried out prior to the construction phase of projects. These surveys focus on recording and monitoring biodiversity as well as on identifying and mapping the most sensitive areas for the species of interest in the project area. Particular emphasis is placed on the marine areas, where recording of birds, marine mammals and turtles is carried out by marine and aerial means and in collaboration with Greek and foreign experts.

The company implements complex and integrated surveys for the systematic monitoring of biodiversity, by using innovative methods and by combining visual, acoustic, and aerial recordings.


NCC has significant experience and extensive expertise in conducting ecological studies for large-scale infrastructure projects that are subject to the environmental licensing procedure. With a wealth of experience in this field, the company can provide comprehensive support with regard to each case’s relevant licensing peculiarities and requirements of major projects and activities at all stages of their licensing cycle. The company's expertise in natural environment management and biodiversity conservation issues, combined with its specialized knowledge of the legislative framework and management requirements for the licensing of projects and activities in Natura 2000 Network sites, allow for the technically sound preparation of Appropriate Assessments that cover the requirements of both the European Directives and the relevant National institutional licensing framework.

The company has many years of expertise and experience in these demanding procedures as, in the context of fulfilling the requirements of Major Projects Files, it has successfully implemented relevant studies in cooperation with public authorities and the European JASPERS service.

During the preparation of the AAs, the significance of the potential impacts of the construction and operation of the respective projects is determined in relation to the specific characteristics and particular environmental conditions that prevail in the nearby protected sites of the Natura 2000 Network. From this perspective, NCC designs and implements a system for surveying, recording and evaluating field data that is targeted to the needs of each project and the unique characteristics of the area under investigation. During the research, NCC draws on its network of specialist scientific collaborators who carry out the fieldwork and evaluate the data collected, while being fully aware of the health and safety issues related to the execution of the required fieldwork.

In particular, the AAs related to the Wind Farms follow the EU guidelines, such as the application of impact risk assessment models, the use of telemetry data and the consideration of the cumulative effects of power transmission lines.

NCC undertakes programs to record and monitor the status of biodiversity in the implementation sites of all types of projects. The Environmental Monitoring can be carried out at all stages of the implementation of each project: at pre-construction, during construction and during operation (Post-Construction Monitoring). During the implementation of Environmental Monitoring programs, the company uses not only conventional but also modern methods, such as telemetry, bio-acoustic systems, hydrophones, thermal cameras, drones, ornithological radar, etc.

In this context, NCC makes use of its staff members who have long-term experience in the study of avifauna in Greece as well as of the close cooperation it maintains with the most experienced specialist scientists for the recording and evaluation of flora, habitat types, bats, and other fauna species in Greece.

Specifically for Wind Farms, NCC’s team is active in the implementation of avifauna status monitoring programs, carcass search programs and ornithological measurement programs for the calibration and parameterization of the wind turbine bird collision avoidance systems.