Indicative projects
- Tracking program through transmitters | 2021-2023 | Agency for the Management of Protected Areas of the Evros Delta and Samothrace
- Telemetry and sensitivity mapping for selected bird species in the areas of responsibility of the FDKBX 2021-2023 | Management Body of Koronia - Volvi - Halkidiki
- Rapid ornithological assessment of the conservation status of priority species in the new SPAs of the FDKBH | 2021-2023 | Management Body of Koronia - Volvi - Halkidiki
- Cormorant Protection & Management Phalacrocorax aristotelis and other seabirds in the Echinacea Archipelago through visitor management | 2021-2023 | Agency for the Management of the Lagoon of Messolonghi - Akarnanikos Mountains
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the projects "Habitat management in the flood zone of the river Evros" & "Management of reedbeds in the Eastern Delta of the Evros - Management actions" through avifauna monitoring | 2020-2023 | Agency for the Management of Protected Areas of the Evros Delta and Samothrace
- Monitoring and evaluation of the bird fauna conservation status of Directive 79/409/EU – Protection and conservation of the biodiversity of the Helmos-Vouraikos National Park | 2012-2014 | Chelms Vouraikos Management Body
- Recording and Monitoring of Habitat Types and Flora and Fauna Species of Directives 92/43 and 79/409 | 2014-2015 | Management Body of the Evros Delta National Park
- Bird monitoring program of the Protected Area of Karpathos - Saria | 2012-2014 | Management Body of Karpathos - Sarias
Other fauna
- Determining the status of the Mediterranean Seal (Monachus monachus) and organization of the monitoring of the species in the area of responsibility of the FDKBX | 2021-2023 | Management Body of Koronia - Volvi - Halkidiki
- Recording, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Conservation Status of the species: Amphibians/Reptiles, Mammals, Freshwater Fish and Vertebrates of Community interest as well as those of particular interest (endemics of the Balkan Peninsula, Greece or local endemics, protected by international treaties or national legislation) in area of responsibility of the Management Agency of Helmos-Vouraikos | 2015 | Chelms Vouraikos Management Body
Habitats – Flora
- Study of the conservation status and protection proposals (in-situ and ex-situ) of the endemic, rare and endangered species of the flora of the protected areas of Kefalonia - Ithaca | 2020-2023 | Ainos National Forest Management Agency
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the Conservation Status of Habitat Types of Community Interest, as well as Plant Species of Community Interest Globularia stygia ex Boiss. and the other important straits and Greek endemic species of flora in the area of responsibility of the Management Agency of Helmos-Vouraikos | 2015 | Chelms Vouraikos Management Body