Baseline Study in the Ionian concession area

  • Assignment Authority :

    Hellenic Petroleum Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons Ionian Single Member S.A.

    Year :


    Project area:

    Northern Ionian

Project description

The NCC has undertaken the recording of the status of the important fauna species in the Ionian concession area. In order to achieve this objective, it conducts:

(a) Pelagic surveys for marine turtles, seals, cetaceans and seabirds, both inshore and offshore, through marine vessel recordings.

(b) Aerial surveys for marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles, both inshore and offshore, through recordings from single-engine aircraft combined with drone recordings.

(c) Coastal surveys for monitoring the monk seal and the breeding sites of Scopoli's shearwater and European shag in the coastal zones of the adjacent Natura 2000 sites.

(d) Telemetric monitoring of seabirds and marine mammals in the wider area using a marine ornithological radar.