LIFE MareNatura – Conservation of priority species of marine megafauna in Greece and Italy (LIFE22-NAT-EL-101113792)
Assignment Authority :
European Union/ Hellenic Center of Marine Research (HCMR)Year :
2023-2029Project area:
Greece (Aegean and Ionian Seas) and Italy (South Adriatic Sea)

Project description
The aim of the project is to prevent the threats faced by nine (9) vulnerable marine species of extreme importance for Greek and European biodiversity and the marine environment. These species are the Mediterranean Monk seal, the Loggerhead turtle, the Green turtle, the Sperm whale, the Harbour porpoise, the Cuvier’s beaked whale, the Common dolphin, the Yelkouan shearwater and the Audouin’s gull. To achieve the above objective, the important marine areas for these species that are located within the Greek territorial waters and the Greek EEZ are identified so as to be proposed for inclusion in the Greek Natura 2000 network of protected areas.
In this way, the project is expected to contribute decisively to Greece achieving the implementation of the European Union's Biodiversity Strategy 2030, which stipulates that by 2030 at least 30% of sea and land in Europe must be placed under protection status (target 30/30), one-third of which should be strictly protected.
Partners: HCMR, ISPRA, NECCA, University of Aegean, University of Crete, National Observatory of Athens, Hellenic Ornithological Society, MOm, MEDASSET, ARCHELON, Waterproof Marine Consultancy, NCC