LIFE Bonelli EastMed – Conservation & Management of the Bonelli's eagle population in east Mediterranean (LIFE17 NAT/GR/000514)
Assignment Authority :European Union/University of Crete
Year :2018-2025
Project area:Attica, Peloponnese, Cyclades, Dodecanese, Crete, Cyprus

Project description
The aim of the project is the long-term maintenance of the good conservation status of the Spitz Eagle in the Eastern Mediterranean by addressing the most critical threats to the species in Greece and Cyprus. The main actions of the project concern the improvement of knowledge about the Spitz eagle and the risks it faces, the reduction of its mortality, the improvement of its reproduction, the improvement of the technical and operational capabilities of the involved bodies, and the creation of a network for the species with the aim of transferring know-how and experience on these issues throughout the Eastern Mediterranean.
Partners: University of Crete, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Cyprus Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Cyprus Ministry of Interior, Hellenic Ornithological Society, NCC