LIFE NATURE ANDROSSPA – Management of the SPA site of Andros Island to achieve a Favourable Conservation Status for its priority species (LIFE10NAT/GR/000637)

  • Assignment Authority :
    European Union/ Municipality of Andros
    Year :
    Project area:
    Andros Island

Project description

The aim of the project was to implement conservation actions for the direct protection of 4 priority bird species within the SPA of Andros Island, Greece. The species are Eleonora’s Falcon, Bonelli’s Eagle, Audouin’s Gull and Mediterranean Shag. The overall objective was to propose, establish and operate on a pilot and operational scale, an effective, socially acceptable and economically viable SPA Management System to coordinate the activities of the competent authorities and to implement the basic management measures, i.e. measures considered absolutely necessary to achieve a Favourable Conservation Status for the priority species within the SPA site.

Partners: Municipality of Andros, Hellenic Ornithological Society, NCC